Thursday nothing extraordinary went on, it was just the same as always. We got up kind of early in the morning to go to the Children's Bible week. The pastor stayed for quite some time to help with putting the strings on harps. This was hard work if you wanted them to have a little bit of sound. The food was really good on that day. We had "Quarkspeise" which is quark with fruits in it and a little bit of sugar added to make it sweet. mmmmh. One of the cooks made some baked stuff, I don't know exactly what they consisted of but they were yummy. In the afternoon I talked to my bestfriend for quite a while, which was interrupted by Tabea and Natascha, the friend we had over for the past week, since I promised them they could watch a movie. This movie was about baseball and how poor players actually made it to the top. It didn't end with a happy ending though. They didn't win the trophy, but this is why I actually liked it. It is more realistic. It portrayed good morals as well.
Friday:Now it is time to report on all the activities that took place during the Children's Bible week. First of all there were T-Shirts that everyone could paint. They had the three basic colors and green, black and white and a lot of little cups to mix more colors such as pink and brown. It was interesting to watch the children pick things they wanted to paint about. The first day it was mainly nature stuff like butterflies, trees, flowers, etc. The second day a lot of children were impressed by the story of the first day so that they drew the mascot animal which represented the essence of the story. Every single participant got one T-Shirt which they wore on Saturday.
The next activity was the harp that I have mentioned before. Detlef, our only male leader, helped the children with that. They had four pieces of wood. Into the bottom piece (a 4 in. trapezoid) they had to screw special screws into the little prepared holes. Those screws had a circle at the end, so that you can make knots into the string. They were supposed to not be screwed in too much so that you can fasten the strings a little more in the end. The other three pieces of wood were for the frame. I will post a picture on photobucket so that you can have an idea of how that looks. My explanation is not very depictive. Anyway after all the screws were screwed in into the "body" of the harp, the four pieces got put together with screws as well and then the children were off to paint their harp in any color they wanted to. Some of them came out really pretty. [Because of all the dangerous coloring that went on the whole floor was covered with plastic.]
After that they were able to make a crown out of clay, similar to the one I used for my dolphin. They shaped it in a long thick line (in german we call it sausage) and then they put it around their head to measure the diameter, even though it didn't really get circular in the end. After they finished measuring the form they made the sides narrower so that it did no longer look like a long sausage but like a crown. The clay dried over night and the next day silver and gold glitter could be put on the crown along with "jewelry". The remarkable thing, was that even the boys had fun doing that.
The last craft activity was to make a lion maks for the face. This was a dirty activity. Your fingers got sticky really fast. Ok, let me explain how it worked. The first step was stapling two ears on the face. After that the face got turned round and the annoying part started. There were five layers of crepe paper that needed to be glued on the back side of the lion's head. They represented the mane, therefore there were cuts in it to resemble the hair of the mane of a lion. The first layer was yellow, the second one brown, the third one white, the fourth one yellow again and the last one brown. That was not it yet. When all of the 5 layer were successfully glued on the back side the mask got turned around again and the missing places on the front got colored and the borders of the colored parts were lined with glitter glue so that it got shiny and pretty. Christine Hertz, who was in charge of that, and I figured that we should do some more, since there were a lot of kids who didn't get to it. So while the story was going on, we made another ten of those masks. Our fingers were really dirty and even though I showered yesterday there is still some glue left on my thumbnail. Oh well.
After all the children had left (except for the ones of the leaders) we started cleaning up for Saturday. All the tables were wrapped in plastic to protect them from constant stains, so they had to be removed as well as the plastic that covered the whole floor. All the chairs had to be put in the room where the church service would take place. The decorations on the walls we left for the other church members to look at the next day. We also left the deco in the church service room (camp fire, tent, plants, tree branches etc.) all the things the children had made over the course of this week were displayed, which means there had to be room for 30 harps, for 30 lion's masks, 30 crowns... we made and got home around 2:30.
When we were home I started working on the pictures for the presentation. This took me quite a while because I wanted to make sure that I have every single child on the presentation at least once. After that I cut out the lion which was Saturday's mascot animal. And then my sister and I prepared the stuff for the children's lesson study, it was once again my turn. I really like doing that a lot... by the way, I went to sleep really early since it gets dark so fast in winter time.
Saturday:I woke up in time and I wanted to leave early to make sure everything is ok with the projector etc. Since I didn't announce that yesterday evening (my sister and I had made Andacht by ourselves again) it caused a lot of problems - only for my dad though. He is not very flexible in the mornings and he does not think that the need of a family member has more importance than his morning preparations. Even though he said, he hurried up, I don't believe him. I let him know that I had to leave 12 minutes before I wanted to go. He already was in the bathroom for quite a while. I know it was short notice, but a woman would be able to get done within another 10 minutes, and women are always said to be the ones to take longer in the bathroom. 8:45 was the time that was set as the leaving time, and this is when we left, even though I wanted to leave 8:30. We were telling our dad that we would leave without him, if he doesn't hurry up, therefore we hid the car after waiting for 5 minutes. This way, my dad explained us lateron, we lost another minutes, because he was calling the car to let us know he wouldn't come to Böblingen, but go to Holzhausen instead, even though he was in charge of the lesson study from the fron today... my parent's were yelling at each other in the car. My dad concluded that he is always the one who gets blamed, if the family does not leave in time. I don't know if this is correct, but the fact is that he does not take care of his responsibilities. He does not even accept them. My mom has to do everything herself, load the car, prepare the food for those who didn't get to eat breakfast, etc etc. We got there 15 minutes before church service started. We still got to try out everything. But it was important to have checked it before since I am working on two screens at home. The projector worked on the wrong screens, so we had to reset the control panel to one screen. It worked out. yayay. All the sudden another problem turned up. Detlef told my mom how he was going to bring the scanned songs that we were supposed to sing during the church service, but either he said it wrong, or my mom understood it wrong the fact is, that he brought it on a floppy disk and my computer can't read those, since there is no drive for it. My mom heard CD and therefore I thought everything was fine. Fortunately Natascha had her laptop there as well who had a floppy disk drive. Her laptop was so huge. I never seen something like that. It was about 15-20 pounds heavy and twice the size of a regular laptop, I guess. I don't know how to descirbe it. It was huge. It worked so freakin' slow though, we only had three minutes left to save it on the computer and then put it on my card reader, which I brought as well, because I thought I might empty up my pictures...
This laptop definitely has a virus. Something this slow is incredible. We got done just in time. The service was a succes, but since I was occupied with technical stuff I couldn't follow everything that has been said.
At home, we ate French fries with ketchup, vegetables and salad. I was so full after finishing my plate, I just wanted to lay myself down for a little while, but after turning on my computer I did something better than that. I talked to my best friend until I had to leave for the youth meeting. I got to go with my dad's car to save our gas :) it was really easy to find. Well what did we do there? We talked a lot, because Kontuschs want the youth to get more active and participate in church activities. Some people in church had the idea to have a youth service next year meaning the youth will do the sermon on this day. I don't know if we are going to be able to do it, since this requires a lot of ideas. We can turn the regular schedule upside down if we want to. I would like to do something like that, cause it gives the youth the chance to tell the older church members what they still don't like, or what they appreciate...
After a while we ordered pizza and ate some chips and apples. We did not go to the movies though, cause one of the boys said, he has seen everything interesting already. Therefore we just rented a movie and watched it in their home. They had one of those large TV's. The movie was interesting. I don't know why, but I got a headache after a while and I just wanted to go home. We left around 10:30 so we were at home by 11. I didn't blog because of my headache. This is why I am taking my time now. But I will get started now. I have all of the math studying ahead of me today and I really don't feel like doing this the whole day. We will see how it goes.