

New Apartment??

It proves to be raatha diffficult to find a new apatment ( I really like the British accent, maybe I will switch around). Anyway this morning I was supposed to meet up with some man whose last name was Celik but unfortunately he didn't show up. I simply looked around myself and noticed that there is a "public kitchen and bathroom" and this is most definitely not what I want if I am going to spend 300€ per month. I hope I have more luck with the apartment this afternoon. I have to leave my discussion group early.
This morning I didn't feel like exercising since I didn't sleep very well last night. I woke up several times and it felt like I never slept at all (but I know I did) :) My grandma and I went shopping yesterday so that I can finally pay for some food. She won't let me pay, if I don't join her in going shopping and she doesn't have much money herself. In case I move out in the middle of the month we will keep visiting each other (and my grandma told me she will bring me a cake every now and then because she likes having someone to spoil :D )
I haven't done much studying lately, but I most definitely did a lot of thinking. I thought about what I expect from life and the result was not so very nice. In theory it sounds very nice, but I don't live according to my own theoretical will but more to my non-controlled will which is very egoistic. At this point in life I think I need to learn to be less expectant and more tolerant. I have become what I never wanted to be (at least to a point).
With recognizing the way it is I think I have already started walking on the path towards the good. The weather turned chilly two days ago and in the Black Forest the first snow flakes fell. Here it was a little frosty and the roof was white when I opened my window yesterday morning. All the plants had to be inside the house or else they would be frozen to death by now.

I think I need to check on my prescription because every time I wear my glasses they seem weird and I don't like wearing them (which is why I wear them as least as possible [can you say that, it sounds a little strange to me])
One of these days I will post some pics online but so far I haven't had the time to resize them for photobucket and I also have to chose which ones I want to share.


  • At 3/11/06 20:16, Anonymous Anonym said…

    You wear your glasses as LITTLE as possible. I know "little" is an adjective typically describing the size of a noun, but this is a phrase commonly used. I think a more proper word for this context would be INFREQUENTLY. This word relates to time and so is therefore more explicit to your description.

    I wish you much luck in apartment hunting. I will have to do that late next month or early January :( I have no choice. Hopefully I will not pay too much per month. I fear my funds will dwindle down to 0 in the next two years. I will try to work against that though.

    To think and dream about life is something I often times do as well. I also catch myself living and acting in a way contrary to what I know is right and contrary to what my will is. We humans are weak. But, alas, we can be strong. We have this great potential. You talk of expectancy and tolerance. I think both traits have a place in our lives. I guess we just need to learn how to balance. One thing is for certain though. We can't expect ourselves to be able to reach our potentials without the help of God and help of others. Because this life is an imperfect one, we should have tolerance for ourselves and others. ...All things I struggle with, too...


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