

First Movie on TBN

I watched The China Cry and I will report on it tomorrow night. I strongly recommend it :) It dealed with a woman who lived in the communist China and was treated extremely badly. Even though she was pregnant, she still had to lift heavy stones, and do hard men's work.
As a little kid she was sent to Christian schools, which gave her a lot of trouble later on. She had to confess that she was a Christian and was about to be shot when a miracle took place. God promised her to lead her out of China. She did not get killed by the bullets of the rifles.
Before being able to watch this movie I had to install realplayer on my laptop. This took quite a while.


  • At 13/11/05 01:45, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I'm glad you watched this movie. I though it was really inspiring. What a story!!


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