

School Again - First Day of Research

I woke up in time this morning. I still have not set back my alarm, because I think it will do me good in the future. This way I might work faster seeing that it already got late :) and in the morning I will wake up faster cause I might think that I am extremely late... anyway I woke up in time today. I wanted to be in school by 7:15 cause we were allowed to start our math test at that time. This was a very nice idea of our math teacher Mr. Lämmle. For that reason I woke up my two sisters so that they could get ready in time as well, I checked my email and then I went off to school. Even though I got there a little late, my math teacher wasn't there yet, so I didn't lose any time! Despite the mistakes I made last night, while working my way through the examples of previous Abiturs, I felt really secure during the test. So far I did not find one mistake, so I can say that there is the chance of getting 15 points. I would be very pleased if this would happen to me. In my opinion I would even deserve it, because I was the only one who did math during summer vacation and I studied for almost 12 hours on Sunday too.
I got to read some pages of "The Bonfire of the Vanities" since my French teacher was sick and will be sick tomorrow as well. Those were the extremely good news of today. Mr. Peiker, German teacher, will be out tomorrow as well. This means I have to go to class at 10:10. I never had class this late before. I warned my sisters to better not wake me up tomorrow cause I can sleep in... maybe I will also practice some violin in the morning.
During my lunch break I was talking with my family and because of that I forgot the time and was a little late to class. I have to admit that I sped on my way to school, I am really sorry for doing so, because I actually don't want to do that anymore. There are two reasons for this decision to be right, my license is not in danger anymore :) and it saves a lot of gasoline.

My hearing capacity is very low right now. It is so hard for me. I would need someone to practice with me, but there is no one. Our assignment was, after hearing a little cadence (1st, 4th, 5th and 1st position of a scale) to figure out any pitch on the keyboard of the piano no matter how high or low it is. The problem I have is simply that I can't memorize the base pitch which happened to be G in our example. I always remembered the pitch that the person before me had to guess :( this is something one can learn though. I am glad I am participating in this course. I would have failed the theory part for sure. Of course I don't know if I will take this test at all.

When I got home I did a little Religion research over SDA beliefs and I found that the correct abbreviation is Adventist (because one always needs to know where it comes from ;)
I had a hard time finding the "28th" belief that got added a short time ago. And when I finally found a page that had all 28 fundamental beliefs I had to figure out which number the belief that got added had. It turned out to be number 11. The English websites are probably better maintained than German websites. I printed them out in German and English for understanding and conversing issues. Ellen G. White appears in one of them, but for some reason (duh) I was relieved to see that her word does not count more than the Bible and that she even encourages readers of her scripture to go back and prove it wrong (if possible), well this is not the way she put it, but the essence is the same.
Since I recently heard of Seventh Day Baptists (as opposed to Seventh-day Adventists[this is the correct spelling of both religions, weird right?]) I tried to find out about them as well, just out of curiosity. In the USA there are only some 4000 memebers, can you believe that?? There does not even exist a church in Germany. If I will convert to this religion, I don't know what to do, but I guess I have to be a missionary first and convert people to "my religion" in order to establish something. That is kind of tough....
Anyway November is the month of Seventh-day Adventism. I wonder what new results it will bring. Maybe I will find myself to no longer be a Seventh-day Adventist as well :)


  • At 7/11/05 22:07, Anonymous Anonym said…

    That is so cool that you will go to class late tomorrow!! I hope you sleep in. I'm sure if you do... it will be really nice.

    I hope you got 15 points on your math test. All your hard work would have paid off!!!

    That's cool for you to have already started with all the SDA research stuff. I have never heard of Seventh Day Baptists. I wonder what the differences between the two branches are. I think November is a great month to study the religion of Adventists!!!!!!

  • At 12/11/05 03:24, Blogger David Hamstra said…

    Seventh-day Baptists are essentially Baptists who worship on Saturday. A Seventh-day Baptist lady actually introduced the notion of Sabbath worship to Adventists.



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