December 31, 2005
Now the year 2005 is finally completed. It has been a year full of events. The probably most outstanding events this year were me buying my beloved violin, my parents silver wedding, Priscilla visiting me in Germany, working the first time during my summer vacations, participating as a leader in the Children's Bible Week, my aunts wedding, and going on the journey of trying to find out what my religion will be. It has also been a year of hardship because I lost all of the strength for my studies for school!
This much as a quick review. Today was a weird, funny and enjoyable day. I will start with the weird thing happening this morning at 5 AM. I woke up because of a strange noise in my room. It sounded like something was dropping. I immediately depicted horror scenarios. It was really not so cool. I was so frightened to turn on the light in order to find out where this noise came from. After a while I did it anyway, stood up and walked over to the place where I heard the noice and I found... a leak. There was water dropping down from the beam in my room onto the carpet. I was really suprised and relieved that it wasn't something bad. I got the purple plastic basin to protect my carpet. After I had taken care of that problem I tried to go back to sleep but I could no longer sleep. Every time I nearly fell asleep the drops woke me up again. So I was basically laying in bed for three hours not being able to sleep. It was horrible. I got up at 8 to tell my parents and to get ready for church. Today was the day when we were really late for church. I think it was about 10 minutes. I don't know what to think of today's sermon. I found it really strange because the preacher repeated his ideas three to four times and sometimes his thoughts were incomplete and even wrong. He also had a voice that made you so sleepy. I had a lot of troubles paying attention even though I really tried to. Oh well.
We ate lunch at church, because it wasn't worth driving back and forth since we had to be back at 3:45 PM for the year-closing sermon. I didn't feel like taking a nap so I just practiced some organ. It was so much fun to play the songs from our song book and trying to use the pedals for the bass notes. This is really tough for me, because my brain can't sight read music very well when it is more than one melody. I am pretty ok with the violin, the recorder or even the trombone, but the piano is practically horrible, since there are up to four voices to take care of :) Tabea and her friend Natascha wanted to also play some organ therefore I just went to my violin to review the piece I was going to perform. I was able to look in the mirror and work on my posture. Sometimes it helps the intonation if you watch yourself in the mirror... isn't that weird, or for example walking around also helps, because you loosen some parts that cause bad intonation. My performance worked out quite well. When we were done wishing everyone a Happy New Year we went home and our neighbors (Marissa and her family) joined us. We ate Raclette once more (by now I really have enough of it) and had a great time. My dad made me perform my piece for another time and then we played a game awaiting midnight.
The really cool and funny thing this Silvester (as we call it) was that we were going outside just before midnight with our brass instruments and played three songs and one of them was ... our German National Anthem. You should have seen us getting dressed really quickly, the fastest shoes possible, the closest jacket (I also put some gloves on, because it was really cold outside) and then were off for our performance. This was just fun, maybe a little embarrassing, but no one cared. It was something different and therefore enjoyable. The people in our street appreciated it :)
This was the year 2005 and now 2006 has started and I am eager what it holds.
This much as a quick review. Today was a weird, funny and enjoyable day. I will start with the weird thing happening this morning at 5 AM. I woke up because of a strange noise in my room. It sounded like something was dropping. I immediately depicted horror scenarios. It was really not so cool. I was so frightened to turn on the light in order to find out where this noise came from. After a while I did it anyway, stood up and walked over to the place where I heard the noice and I found... a leak. There was water dropping down from the beam in my room onto the carpet. I was really suprised and relieved that it wasn't something bad. I got the purple plastic basin to protect my carpet. After I had taken care of that problem I tried to go back to sleep but I could no longer sleep. Every time I nearly fell asleep the drops woke me up again. So I was basically laying in bed for three hours not being able to sleep. It was horrible. I got up at 8 to tell my parents and to get ready for church. Today was the day when we were really late for church. I think it was about 10 minutes. I don't know what to think of today's sermon. I found it really strange because the preacher repeated his ideas three to four times and sometimes his thoughts were incomplete and even wrong. He also had a voice that made you so sleepy. I had a lot of troubles paying attention even though I really tried to. Oh well.
We ate lunch at church, because it wasn't worth driving back and forth since we had to be back at 3:45 PM for the year-closing sermon. I didn't feel like taking a nap so I just practiced some organ. It was so much fun to play the songs from our song book and trying to use the pedals for the bass notes. This is really tough for me, because my brain can't sight read music very well when it is more than one melody. I am pretty ok with the violin, the recorder or even the trombone, but the piano is practically horrible, since there are up to four voices to take care of :) Tabea and her friend Natascha wanted to also play some organ therefore I just went to my violin to review the piece I was going to perform. I was able to look in the mirror and work on my posture. Sometimes it helps the intonation if you watch yourself in the mirror... isn't that weird, or for example walking around also helps, because you loosen some parts that cause bad intonation. My performance worked out quite well. When we were done wishing everyone a Happy New Year we went home and our neighbors (Marissa and her family) joined us. We ate Raclette once more (by now I really have enough of it) and had a great time. My dad made me perform my piece for another time and then we played a game awaiting midnight.
The really cool and funny thing this Silvester (as we call it) was that we were going outside just before midnight with our brass instruments and played three songs and one of them was ... our German National Anthem. You should have seen us getting dressed really quickly, the fastest shoes possible, the closest jacket (I also put some gloves on, because it was really cold outside) and then were off for our performance. This was just fun, maybe a little embarrassing, but no one cared. It was something different and therefore enjoyable. The people in our street appreciated it :)
This was the year 2005 and now 2006 has started and I am eager what it holds.
At 1/1/06 04:34,
Anonym said…
My dear Kerstin,
You truly bring joy to my heart. I think this past year has been one during which you have probably matured the very most. From the financial responsibilities you have acquired to the newer outlooks on life it is no wonder why you are so stressed out sometimes. I think during the next year you will mature and grow even more into the adult you now are. And I have no doubt you will better cope with your new stressors. You are more independent now and are taking ownership of so many things: your violin, laptop, but perhaps even more importantly- yourself. I don't mean a literal ownership of body. However, it seems to me that each and every day and week that passes by your priorities and the shape your life takes gets clearer and clearer. It may seem like life is blurry sometimes, but I think that maybe this leads to and is perhaps a necessary step for a clearer reality.
You have had quite a year. I dare say that this next one will be even more productive, wonderful, and eye-opening. I have not one drop of doubt that you will be successful in all of the challenges you soon face. Your dedication, your talent, your accomplishments are all truly exemplary of the person you are. You deserve every single reward that is soon to come your way.
Your new year celebrations sound like they were truly enjoyable. I envy the traditions you share with your family. You are so blessed to have these kind of memories to hold on to.
I congratulate you, Kerstin, for being so successful as a student, as a musician, but most importantly, as a person. And it is my honor to call that person, you, my very best friend.
I look forward to sharing much of 2006 with you.
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