New Music
Yesterday I got my first own cell phone and it was really cheap too :) I only had to pay 1€ for it and I could use the card from the other cell phone that I got from my parents. So finally I am up to date and can always be reached. So far I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing, because I will now turn dependent on a stupid machine and also it isn't that healthy. It is a really little cell phone and it isn't very handy but it is mine and that is all that counts.
Since I went to sleep really late on Tuesday night I didn't wake up until 11 AM. I watched a movie, checked my email and got myself educated over what was going on in the world through a newspaper newsletter which I receive daily on my email account. After that I finally did some research over different religions and I was really glad to having found out. This took quite a while and I am now a little educated on the main teachings or the main focus of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism (Daoism), Islam. For me the Islam was also quite interesting and worth of further research. But I feel like I am even surer that Christianity is the truth. I don't want to say that it definitely is, because I still don't know everything about the different religions, but I looked at some aspects and how they make sense for me and I came to the conclusion that the Christian way is the most logical way. I have also read a book two days ago which dealt with someone having AIDS who then turned to Christianity. This really spoke to me sometimes, even though the style of writing was boring sometimes and then when I was in the car today, not even paying attention to it that much, there was an interview on the radio about conservatism of Christians. I don't know what caught my attention, but all the sudden I listened to it. What is suprising is that the volume was on very low you could hardly hear anything. Oh well. I think I am just interpreting things the way they shouldn't be interpreted. But for right now, I think I have made my decision. I feel like it is the right one, even though I am always eager to learn more and I want to try to stay open-minded, because my decision could be wrong...
Yesterday I was the one to cook dinner. I finally learned how to cook leek and it tasted good too. I was suprised, since I was afraid to ruin it all. I am glad that I got some really good practice in cooking not just the regular noodles and tomato sauce. My mom helped me a little bit towards the end (I forgot that my dad was supposed to help me :) ).
I was glad that Simone and Patrick didn't come for their lesson yesterday. They just forgot about it so we scheduled it for today. This morning my mom came up with the idea that we should go shopping for some decent clothing and I added the music which I had to buy a long time already. We happened to take four hours to complete all of the tasks. We spent a lot of money on music, because I have to have originals when I will go to my auditions.
I feel really bad because I haven't practiced the violin once during my vacation and also I didn't study as much as I wanted to. I always did a little bit, but it was not enough yet. I am no where near done and I only have another week :(
I will go to sleep early today so that I finally might wake up early tomorrow as well. There are a lot of things awaiting me tomorrow such as practicing, studying, tidying up my room, and cleaning the bathroom. From today on I have to read 10 pages of my history papers every day and I still don't feel like studying. I don't know what is wrong with me. I was pretty ok the last two days of last week, but since this week has started all the energy has left... we will see if I can regain some over night :)
Since I went to sleep really late on Tuesday night I didn't wake up until 11 AM. I watched a movie, checked my email and got myself educated over what was going on in the world through a newspaper newsletter which I receive daily on my email account. After that I finally did some research over different religions and I was really glad to having found out. This took quite a while and I am now a little educated on the main teachings or the main focus of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism (Daoism), Islam. For me the Islam was also quite interesting and worth of further research. But I feel like I am even surer that Christianity is the truth. I don't want to say that it definitely is, because I still don't know everything about the different religions, but I looked at some aspects and how they make sense for me and I came to the conclusion that the Christian way is the most logical way. I have also read a book two days ago which dealt with someone having AIDS who then turned to Christianity. This really spoke to me sometimes, even though the style of writing was boring sometimes and then when I was in the car today, not even paying attention to it that much, there was an interview on the radio about conservatism of Christians. I don't know what caught my attention, but all the sudden I listened to it. What is suprising is that the volume was on very low you could hardly hear anything. Oh well. I think I am just interpreting things the way they shouldn't be interpreted. But for right now, I think I have made my decision. I feel like it is the right one, even though I am always eager to learn more and I want to try to stay open-minded, because my decision could be wrong...
Yesterday I was the one to cook dinner. I finally learned how to cook leek and it tasted good too. I was suprised, since I was afraid to ruin it all. I am glad that I got some really good practice in cooking not just the regular noodles and tomato sauce. My mom helped me a little bit towards the end (I forgot that my dad was supposed to help me :) ).
I was glad that Simone and Patrick didn't come for their lesson yesterday. They just forgot about it so we scheduled it for today. This morning my mom came up with the idea that we should go shopping for some decent clothing and I added the music which I had to buy a long time already. We happened to take four hours to complete all of the tasks. We spent a lot of money on music, because I have to have originals when I will go to my auditions.
I feel really bad because I haven't practiced the violin once during my vacation and also I didn't study as much as I wanted to. I always did a little bit, but it was not enough yet. I am no where near done and I only have another week :(
I will go to sleep early today so that I finally might wake up early tomorrow as well. There are a lot of things awaiting me tomorrow such as practicing, studying, tidying up my room, and cleaning the bathroom. From today on I have to read 10 pages of my history papers every day and I still don't feel like studying. I don't know what is wrong with me. I was pretty ok the last two days of last week, but since this week has started all the energy has left... we will see if I can regain some over night :)
At 30/12/05 04:40,
Anonym said…
I think it is cool that you have a cell phone because it might help you one day when there is an emergency. On the other hand I can understand your point about being dependent on technology. I think in our cultures where there is an overabundance of electronics it is good and healthy when we can get along without them. Maybe you will be like me: I have a cell phone, I am thankful for the cellphone, but I am quite annoyed with it sometimes.
I am glad you are making decisions about religion and educating yourself. I wish I could say the same thing for myself. I am so uncertain about everything and am not willing to make decisions until I am at least a little more educated and sure about what I am going to decide and what I will abandon and just ignore. I think this process is so hard. Maybe I am just bad... who knows.
Your cooking experience is great! I think you will truly benefit from all of these oh so creative endeavors your family experiments with. It is wonderful!
So did you get many outfits while we were out shopping? What kind of clothes did you get?
I'm sure that you will come to terms with all of your studying challenges. I know it isn't easy, but I am confident you will be productive during the next few days. I know you can do it despite the fact it being vaction time.
At 30/12/05 10:33,
Kerstin said…
I just got one shirt, but there was this one jeacket I really liked but it wasn't my size, s I will be looking in catalogues...
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