

Big Family Trouble

As a Sabbatanfangandacht, my mom had prepared something to help us as a family. She wanted that everyone deals with each other according to another concept. No longer a concept of pressure and bad words but love and she asked each one who wants to participate to light one candle of our Christmas bush (we don't have a Christmas tree, just a few branches of a tree put in a pot. It looks decent. One of these days I will take a pic of it and post it on photobucket.). Back to our bush... my mom was the first one to light one, but you could tell that it wasn't easy for her. Since she really wants our family to be a family again, she still did it though. Tabea was the second one to light a candle. She is too little to really get to the bottom of the problems in our family. I am glad that she has not yet understood what all of this really was about. She even said to my dad: "You can't light a candle!" My dad asked why he could not, and she said that he will continue forcing her to practice piano and violin thus he won't deal with her on the basis of love but pressure. From this comment of hers you could tell that she didn't get it at all :) I was glad about that. My dad was the third and last one to light a candle. Marion and I didn't feel capable of doing that. We were happy to be out of there soon after all of this took place. This Andacht really shows me where we are as a family. There is no more love for each other but there is a lot of trouble. Luckily every one has his or her own life basically. I am sitting in my room most of the day, maybe watching a movie with my sisters or my mom. Marion sits in her room chatting with friends or watching a movie. Tabea sits in her room, playing whatever and my mom is working everywhere and my dad is out most of the time. This is what you can call a "perfect family" [this is ironical] since there are so very few times to have trouble. We hardly meet and if we do, we hardly talk about stuff that creates trouble such as religion, music,... It is mostly informing family members of what is going on in school. This is what our family life is about. I think it is pretty messed up. As far as I am concerned I think that in my family there is way too much control. I am 19 years old and I think that I am able to make my decisions yet I still get questioned by my dad very often [it would be unfair to say all the time]. Especially when it deals with involvement in church activities. He never accepts my "no" right away. He ALWAYS tries to convince me to participate. I strongly dislike it or maybe even hate it. I can make my own decisions!!! and they are reasonable most of the time. Sometimes I think that he really doesn't have an idea of what is going on in my life. He knows nothing! He thinks that I am not doing enough, that I could do more. At least this is what it seems like since he expects me to participate in whatever is going on and he thinks is important. My mom is always on my side, trying to defend me, but he doesn't even care. Sometimes I just want to tell him to shut up. I will see how things will develop in the future. Hopefully I will be out of here by the end of July - permanently. I hate to be leaving when things aren't better, but I think there is no other way out, because I don't feel like I am capable of loving my dad to a point where I can accept his attitude towards me, my mom and my sisters. It just turns me off as soon as he starts. This is why I didn't light a candle. I was 100% honest. No longer hiding my feelings. I know it was not the expected reaction, but at least everyone knows now what I think.
Tomorrow I will go to a Christmas sermon in Stuttgart and maybe I will meet some new people and I definitely will have fun. My sister Marion is going to join me. We will go by train and therefore we have to get up really early which is why I will go to sleep now :)


  • At 24/12/05 18:12, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I don't think you are being illogical or unreasonable at all. I think the reality of what you have described is correct. But I also think that the situation is not so lost as it might seem.

    A couple of weeks ago I was flipping channels on the TV and there seemed to be absolutely nothing on. Then the TBN network caught my attention and I started watching a sermon by an evangelical preacher named Joel Osmond. He is the famous paster of the Super Dome in Houston which has been converted into a large auditorium church. Anyway, the topic was in peace within in the family. What he said really touched my heart and I am now trying to take his advice everyday. His main advice was one of action. He said that if we expect to have peace within our families it is not reasonable to expect those around us, the people we supposedly love, to change. We are the ones who must be motivated to some sort of action FIRST. We must take control instead of allowing hateful and disappointing situations to progress. This doesn't mean we yield to the bad attitudes and unfair demands of our family. This simply means that we have the potential to not makes situations worse. If there is an argument going on between you and someone else, then don't be the one who yells, screams or insults. Be the one who is calm, the one who listens and the one who is always willing to find solutions. It is about never giving up. I know this all seems obvious, but for some reason what this preacher has said has stuck with me up until now. I am really gald that my mom was in the room watching it with me. She has truly changed her perspective on family relationships, too. I know the situation with your dad might seem hopeless. I think I can truly understand this after living in Germany for a while. His personality is one that fiercely clashes at times with you and your sisters. Don't count on him ever changing his ways. I know that this may not necessarily be right or just, but it is a very possible truth.

    I myself am having a problem with my dad. I don't think it is quite as bad or deep, but it has the potential to be if I don't do something about it. You see, I am very quickly annoyed by my dads lack of helfulness in the house. He expects EVERYONE to take care of him in the house. I don't mind doing things for him, but I don't like when I am expected to do things for him. This is not the role of a child. I want my role to tbe that of a loving daughter, but instead I feel it has turned into that of a person in the house who can just do things for him. After so many years of disciplined care before I came to college, I think I just got sick of serving just for the sake of serving. I don't think I did things because I wanted to I just did them because I was expected to and because I had to. I wanted to be a good daughter. But this is not the point. The point is to do things out of the goodness of one's heart. Since my parents have come to Orlando I have found it very difficult to do all of the serving. I mean seriously, how hard is it to get up and get your own drink or make a sandwich. The fact of the matter is is that I don't understand my dad's mentality when it comes to the way he acts and thinks in the house. Perhaps I am unfair, but this is the way I think and I won't change the morals that I hold about copperation and helping each other.

    Last week my mom reminded me about the sermon we had watched a couple of weeks ago because I was getting really upset and annoyed with my dad all the time. Perhaps I have even seemed to be hateful at times. Remembering that I am the one who needs to worry about change and not count on my dad to ever change is ways is something that I hope will lead to me not being as greatly affected anymore by his lack of consideration and his extreme dependence on others in the house. If I can concentrate on not giving him dirty looks or raising my voice perhaps I will be able to look past what I believe is a personality flaw of his. And this is definitely a step in the right direction. Then I can be more focused on my role as daughter. I can just more easily go with the flow of things and not be so hung up on details.

    I am not saying that your situations is the same as mine. I just wanted to provide you just one of many examples of family troubles that I go through myself. This situation was more of a surface issue, but I believe that I kept on having the same mindset, then things would have never gotten better and could have potentially been very harmful to the family.

    I think your truest barometer for action will be your conscience. You know exactly what is right and wrong and if you follow your heart and mind, then I think your situation will get a lot better. You know what, maybe you will never love your dad. Who knows?! But what you have the capacity to do is not hate him. If you don't love him because he is not a loving or understanding father towards you, then well, I think the least that is logical is to care for him as a fellow human being. Not hating someone is always better than hating.

    Just do all that you can to keep peace and attempt to work things out. At least when you move out one day you will have the peace of mind that you sincerely tried to have peace in your family and decent relationships with others. Wouldn't it be horrible to leave things in a bad situation knowing that you could have done something about it? I ask myself this sometimes. I am not saying that is even possibble for you to do anything at this present moment in time because I don't know the specifics of what goes on in your family. But situations always arise and you have the power to be a peacemaker and one who doesn't not make the situation worse. Maybe others won't follow your example and might not even respect what you are trying to do. But that is also ok because you will know it is the right thing to do.

    I think family relationships can be extremely hard. All is always easier said than done. But you know, I think if you have enough practice in dealing with families, then maybe you can improve the way you are with your own family one day. You are obviously a part of your family for a reason. You dad is your dad, your mom is your mom, and your sisters are all part of your family because that is what God desired. You are your father's child for a reason. Maybe this doesn't mean that you are to have the best and open relationship with each and everyone one of them, but it certainly means that you all have experiences together, grow together and live together.

    I don't know if anything I said will make a difference or even makes sense, but I know that thinking that oneself is is the one who needs to change something and not expecting those around you to change is a powerful concept. I hope in the coming months the relationships within your fmaily (especially with your dad) gets better. If you ever, ever, ever want to talk about it, please just let me know. I have got TONS of problems too!

  • At 24/12/05 22:13, Blogger Kerstin said…

    Thank you for your super long comment. I think that it makes sense, and I know that this is the solution at least to be able to not have any further arguments which is why my mom made this special Andacht. But I don't even feel capable of being the one not rising the voice, or just take it all upon me. I can't. If I would have seen a possibility for myself to do that then I would have lighted a candle myself. This is the true problem I have, I don't even want to try because I already KNOW I will fail. I get upset way too fast but after reading your comment I think that I will give it another try. I have to live with this family, this is what I have to deal with and if I can't do it, how can I ever expect to have an ok marriage... Family is training for later on and for this reason I will try my very best. Keep me in your prayers if you have the time to do so. Thanks!


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