Last lots of Days
Finally I am getting to write my blog. It has been quite a while since I blogged. Let me sum up what I did for the last few days:
I got to leave early for my theory lesson in Rottweil, because Mr. Peiker allowed me to do so. This is very nice of him, because I would have never made it in time. It was kind of funny how Mr. Peiker got told that I went to such theory lessons. I told my violin teacher Mrs. Schneider and then she told her husband about it who went to talk to Mr. Peiker. It wasn't even me who took the initiative. Someone else did it for me. I am not used to someone taking care of me and trying to help me having less work. Usually it is the other way round. Everybody puts chores on me.
That was the only significant event that took place on Monday.
The outstanding event besides teaching and going to school, was that I got to go to sleep early. Shortly after 8 pm I was in bed to make sure that I would be well rested for my German test.
Wednesday (today):
All morning I was writing a German essay. In the beginning it took me so long to think of a way to express my thoughts and therefore I ran out of time towards the end. I wrote a total of ten pages during those 5 hours, I ate all of my food that I brought and drank a lot. Since I drank that much (which I usually don't during tests) I had to go to the bathroom several times. I was the only one to go more than once :) I am proud of it though, because that means that I have a better liquid household now. It makes me healthier. yayay.
I also practiced a lot of piano today and my hands actually got warm. My mom made up a theory: Whenever I like practicing my hands get warm, if I just do it, to have it done, they will stay cold. I think this is not the way it is, but it fits :) Funny right? Usually I don't enjoy practicing piano. It requires so much endurance and patience. I am not allowed to play fast, because that would destroy the smoothness of the piece. You know that my hands are incapable of playing exact, and therefore I have to train them really hard. I mustn't allow them to go fast. While I was playing I sang one-i-and-a, two-i-and-a,... to help me stay in rhythm. It worked, but sometime I got messed up because of that. If I keep doing this, I will get much better in rhythm (hopefully).
Now I still have to do my math homework which is due tomorrow, and I will have to try to remember what our English assignment was. I never get our teachers instructions. I never know what to do, but I am sick of always asking him. I will just do something, and if it is wrong, oh well, I tried.
I got to leave early for my theory lesson in Rottweil, because Mr. Peiker allowed me to do so. This is very nice of him, because I would have never made it in time. It was kind of funny how Mr. Peiker got told that I went to such theory lessons. I told my violin teacher Mrs. Schneider and then she told her husband about it who went to talk to Mr. Peiker. It wasn't even me who took the initiative. Someone else did it for me. I am not used to someone taking care of me and trying to help me having less work. Usually it is the other way round. Everybody puts chores on me.
That was the only significant event that took place on Monday.
The outstanding event besides teaching and going to school, was that I got to go to sleep early. Shortly after 8 pm I was in bed to make sure that I would be well rested for my German test.
Wednesday (today):
All morning I was writing a German essay. In the beginning it took me so long to think of a way to express my thoughts and therefore I ran out of time towards the end. I wrote a total of ten pages during those 5 hours, I ate all of my food that I brought and drank a lot. Since I drank that much (which I usually don't during tests) I had to go to the bathroom several times. I was the only one to go more than once :) I am proud of it though, because that means that I have a better liquid household now. It makes me healthier. yayay.
I also practiced a lot of piano today and my hands actually got warm. My mom made up a theory: Whenever I like practicing my hands get warm, if I just do it, to have it done, they will stay cold. I think this is not the way it is, but it fits :) Funny right? Usually I don't enjoy practicing piano. It requires so much endurance and patience. I am not allowed to play fast, because that would destroy the smoothness of the piece. You know that my hands are incapable of playing exact, and therefore I have to train them really hard. I mustn't allow them to go fast. While I was playing I sang one-i-and-a, two-i-and-a,... to help me stay in rhythm. It worked, but sometime I got messed up because of that. If I keep doing this, I will get much better in rhythm (hopefully).
Now I still have to do my math homework which is due tomorrow, and I will have to try to remember what our English assignment was. I never get our teachers instructions. I never know what to do, but I am sick of always asking him. I will just do something, and if it is wrong, oh well, I tried.
At 26/10/05 21:54, Anonym said…
Hey little water drinker. What exactly is a liquid household? But yes, you are are healthier. :)
I think if you stay at the pace you are going, you will be a great piano player one day. I think your mom's theory is right.
Have a great sleep!
At 26/10/05 21:59, Kerstin said…
i mean the water balance, but I was too lazy to look it up, therefore I translated it word by word. Sorry that it doesn't make sense. I hoped it would. It is great, that you already responded!! I didn't really expect that. I will go to sleep now. I drank about a half gallon today, which is really good, if you consider my previous average of an eighth :)
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