

Finally Weekend

Actually there is very little interesting to tell you about my last two days. On Friday I asked for clearer instructions concerning the English class test on Wednesday. It will be the first class test this year. I hope I will do fine, it is about analysing a given text in order to find out the author's political standpoint and his view. Our teacher said it is not so important to know whether it is a Liberal, a Democrat or a Re publican, but to know what his opinion is. He also said, that you can't compare a German Liberal to an American Liberal, therefore he doesn't expect from us to know that. He says that politics in America are very different from Germany and he is trying to teach us to be critical and to analyse the opinions of each author before saying I can take this for the truth. I really like the way he does it, because he gets us to think. I just fear that I won't meet his expectations in the class test on Wednesday. Of course I will try my best and I will be satisfied with whatever I deserve, because there is no use of getting upset at yourself.
So today our sermon was extremely interesting. It was a pastor who collects all different kinds of Bibles. He said he has about 800 different ones. I think this is a lot if you consider that some of them way up to 30 pounds. His oldest bible is a hand-written one which is about 1200 years old. It is really incredible what he has in his collection. So everyone was really interested and you didn't notice how the time was flying by. Everyone could have listened for another hour at least (if they weren't hungry anyway).
When we came home we had pizza for lunch and then I finally got my long-awaited Saturday afternoon nap. When I got up at 5, I went downstairs a little bit, but my parents and my sister left to go for a walk with a dog, but my knees hurt me so much, that I could not go with them. It is getting worse and worse in my opinion. I am not writing this blog to complain though. I can still walk and that is all that counts. After sitting for 40 minutes in the same position my legs start hurting me as well. It was really bad during French yesterday and English as well. Hopefully it will get better soon. I will probably decide to go and see a doctor soon. I am off topic, so I will go back to what I did after getting up. I finished commenting on Romans chapter one and then I wrote some letters which were due. I am really glad that I had the time to do so.
My parents came back from their walk with Tabea and we did Andacht. After that we watched an old movie. It was so really cute and positive. "Der kleine Lord" is one of my favorite movies.
Right now I am watching another movie that is dealing with someone who had drugs on him in Turkey. It is really bad how they are dealing with prisoners. I think it is bad. Well, while watching those movies I wrote some French vocabularies, because I don't want to get behind. That is all that went on today.


  • At 3/10/05 16:38, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I think that must be so interesting to have so many Bibles!! That must be quite a reference extravaganza during bible studies. Remember how we were, lol. It is probably 50x "worse" for him. lol


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