First of all let me explain, what EsTriDisk stands for: Essen Trinken Diskutieren. Eating, drinking, discussing...
There is always one family in charge of the food. This time it was us (my mom :)) So yesterday, she prepared all kinds of food: Some salad which she called autumn-colored lettuce. It contained of 5 different types of lettuce in different colors: One was "red" (the color of red cabbage) another one yellow or light green, then dark green, red and green mixed and one more time light green. They have all had different shapes and stuff. For decoration issues there were three tomatos, some cheese and walnuts. It actually looked great. Then there was the soup with semolina dumplings. They were each about the size of a table tennis ball. My mom had prepared 126 of them. As a main dish we had two different types of quiche (don't ask me how to spell it :)) one with zucchini and one with leek (the stuff my used for the lasagna). The last thing missing was the desert, which was a cherry soufflé (oh man, I am missing so many words that I have to go back on my dictionary the whole time as you might notice).
Now let me tell you a little bit about my day. I went to church as usual and I happened to get into the lesson study group led by my father :( therefore I didn't say one word during the conversation. It was interesting to listen to, though. The second our a pastor that works for ADRA ( I don't know what all the letters stand for but the first on is Adventist, then I believe Development, R (I don't have a clue) and the last one is Agency, I think). It was weird to listen to. He seemed not well prepared. What he said, or tried to say, was interesting though.
After church we went back home and had lunch. I was done at 1:45, checked my email really quick and decided to take a nap. I wish, I could have slept more. It took me sooooo long to get warm (my feet were freezing), that I guess I only slept for a half hour :(
At 4:30 it was time for me to get ready, because of EsTriDisk. I got all the food together, got dressed of course, and piled the food up in our A-Klasse. When my mom came she gave us final instructions and then we left, the three of us. My parents went to the concert that they had booked tickets for, since I don't know when. Last week we talked about how this would work out, and my mom said that I should go instead of her, but then I thought about it and said, if everything is prepared I can do it, too. So I sent my mom to the concert.
Anyway, I drove really slowly on the Autobahn, because of all the liquid in the car, and because of the high gas-prices (yeah, I know it is not as bad as in some parts of the US right now) sorry for all my parenthesis.
Back to EsTriDisk, I got all the food ready in time, except for the energy that turned off several times, which kind of produced a little problem. My two sisters were waitresses, who took down the orders of the people. I think there were 30 persons or more. So they were really busy to serve the food, and I was really busy to prepare it :) It is like a little restaurant, except that the waitresses and cooks aren't trained (hee hee). The food had to be ready by 7 and the people were finished with eating around 8:30. Now it was our task to clean the kitchen up and wash the dishes. Most of it fit in the dish washer, but since it was so late that we started it, we decided to do the rest by hand. We were really done before the dish-washer, I said we because I had two helpers in the kitchen. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make it. Just before we were done drying the washed dishes all the lights turned off, so we had to finish everything in the dark. Luckily it wasn't that much and the car was almost loaded as well.
My sisters and I got to leave at 9:45. Once again I drove really slow to save gas, and therefore it took us until 10:30 to get home. My mom actually wanted to come to help clean up, but I told her that we would manage it all. Now the funny thing was that my parents called us, when we were just about home. Guess where they were??? They just got out of the concert. Therefore there wouldn't even have been the chance for them to help us. I thought this was funny.
At night, I made Andacht online with Marion and one of her teachers. It was really cool. We are reading Markus. So now, I will continue Romans, whenever they don't do Markus. That will give us the chance to advance in similar speed. I also have to catch up blogging on reltalks.
After that, my sister found out that you were online. I blogged at that time, but unfortunately my computer turned off. I lost everything I had typed. I was so sick of it by then, that I decided to just write a little note, to have the date of Saturday but I would type it on Sunday, this is what I am doing right now.
I have to leave in 15 minutes and I didn't even get dressed yet. So till later...
There is always one family in charge of the food. This time it was us (my mom :)) So yesterday, she prepared all kinds of food: Some salad which she called autumn-colored lettuce. It contained of 5 different types of lettuce in different colors: One was "red" (the color of red cabbage) another one yellow or light green, then dark green, red and green mixed and one more time light green. They have all had different shapes and stuff. For decoration issues there were three tomatos, some cheese and walnuts. It actually looked great. Then there was the soup with semolina dumplings. They were each about the size of a table tennis ball. My mom had prepared 126 of them. As a main dish we had two different types of quiche (don't ask me how to spell it :)) one with zucchini and one with leek (the stuff my used for the lasagna). The last thing missing was the desert, which was a cherry soufflé (oh man, I am missing so many words that I have to go back on my dictionary the whole time as you might notice).
Now let me tell you a little bit about my day. I went to church as usual and I happened to get into the lesson study group led by my father :( therefore I didn't say one word during the conversation. It was interesting to listen to, though. The second our a pastor that works for ADRA ( I don't know what all the letters stand for but the first on is Adventist, then I believe Development, R (I don't have a clue) and the last one is Agency, I think). It was weird to listen to. He seemed not well prepared. What he said, or tried to say, was interesting though.
After church we went back home and had lunch. I was done at 1:45, checked my email really quick and decided to take a nap. I wish, I could have slept more. It took me sooooo long to get warm (my feet were freezing), that I guess I only slept for a half hour :(
At 4:30 it was time for me to get ready, because of EsTriDisk. I got all the food together, got dressed of course, and piled the food up in our A-Klasse. When my mom came she gave us final instructions and then we left, the three of us. My parents went to the concert that they had booked tickets for, since I don't know when. Last week we talked about how this would work out, and my mom said that I should go instead of her, but then I thought about it and said, if everything is prepared I can do it, too. So I sent my mom to the concert.
Anyway, I drove really slowly on the Autobahn, because of all the liquid in the car, and because of the high gas-prices (yeah, I know it is not as bad as in some parts of the US right now) sorry for all my parenthesis.
Back to EsTriDisk, I got all the food ready in time, except for the energy that turned off several times, which kind of produced a little problem. My two sisters were waitresses, who took down the orders of the people. I think there were 30 persons or more. So they were really busy to serve the food, and I was really busy to prepare it :) It is like a little restaurant, except that the waitresses and cooks aren't trained (hee hee). The food had to be ready by 7 and the people were finished with eating around 8:30. Now it was our task to clean the kitchen up and wash the dishes. Most of it fit in the dish washer, but since it was so late that we started it, we decided to do the rest by hand. We were really done before the dish-washer, I said we because I had two helpers in the kitchen. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make it. Just before we were done drying the washed dishes all the lights turned off, so we had to finish everything in the dark. Luckily it wasn't that much and the car was almost loaded as well.
My sisters and I got to leave at 9:45. Once again I drove really slow to save gas, and therefore it took us until 10:30 to get home. My mom actually wanted to come to help clean up, but I told her that we would manage it all. Now the funny thing was that my parents called us, when we were just about home. Guess where they were??? They just got out of the concert. Therefore there wouldn't even have been the chance for them to help us. I thought this was funny.
At night, I made Andacht online with Marion and one of her teachers. It was really cool. We are reading Markus. So now, I will continue Romans, whenever they don't do Markus. That will give us the chance to advance in similar speed. I also have to catch up blogging on reltalks.
After that, my sister found out that you were online. I blogged at that time, but unfortunately my computer turned off. I lost everything I had typed. I was so sick of it by then, that I decided to just write a little note, to have the date of Saturday but I would type it on Sunday, this is what I am doing right now.
I have to leave in 15 minutes and I didn't even get dressed yet. So till later...
At 26/9/05 00:17,
Anonym said…
EsTriDisk sounds like quite the extravaganza. I congratulate you for taking the responsibility upon yourself so that you mom good enjoy a pleasant evening at the concert. Go you!!
I hope you are able to finish everything in time for you new week in school. Just make sure that you sleep enough so that you can retain more knowledge while you study.
Have a great week!
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