

Last Few Days

Hey I forgot to mention something funny. When I went to this baptism I was so bored, so therefore when they started putting away the dishes, I offered my help. I cleaned about 4 or 5 tables and then this boy walks up to me, without me noticing it and he said, wow that is really rare, that someone helps cleaning up. It is really great that you do that. Let me help you as well. So we cleaned a little bit and another boy joined us. Then we just stood there and talked for another 30 minutes even though they wanted to leave. I think I have found a new crush now. He is about 22 years old, he is blond!!!, had blue eyes!!! isn't that funny? I think he is also very intelligent. He is definitely into religion and he is in the youth group in Freudenstadt, which I will probably join at least once, to try it out. Who knows what will happen. As soon as I noticed that I forgot to tell you, I wanted to write you about it, but I am so sorry, that I didn't make it before.
Let me tell you a little bit about yesterday:
I went to vote before I went to the rehearsal in Stuttgart. A funny thing happened to me. I was so intimidated, because I didn't know exactly how everything works, and I told my parents that they will probably laugh at me. They answered that they would never laugh at me. They would rather be happy that I am coming to vote. Exactly that happened. I was the first New-Voter for Holzhausen so they clapped, when I entered. They explained me what I had to do and then, when I threw my sheet into this special box they clapped again and said that they wondered how many New-Voters would show up. I thought this was funny. Nothing like that happened to my classmates. At least I didn't hear about it.
Then we left for Böblingen to drop off Tabea for Pathfinders and continued driving to Stuttgart. We rehearsed until 4:30pm. We had a 40 minute lunch break and got ourselves some Kebap at a Turkish "restaurant". It tasted really yummy. There was not that much time for me to study French, even though I did do a little bit on our way there and during lunch. When we were done, I also continued. I was so tired though, that I hardly remembered what I read. It took me forever to learn just one line of vocabulary. The reason why I say line is, because we had to learn: German translation and synonymes and antonymes as well as an example sentence. This is, why I decided to go for a walk when I got home. It was very cold and I immidiately got a stuffy nose, that didn't matter though, because I got to be outside. When I returned home, I was so cold and I didn't feel well either. I decided to study in bed. My mom made me those warm bags :). I continued for another two hours or something like that (including dinner) and then I almost fell asleep studying, therefore I set my alarm for 4:50 to wake up and study. I woke up!!! And I felt much better. Everything went a lot faster. Oh, I forgot to mention that my mom wrote me the rest of the vocabs on flash cards so that I wouldn't lose so much time. This made it possible that I didn't fail. I think I will be able to get a B or at least a C+. At least I hope so. The test was extremely hard and we complained to the teacher, not so much because of the test, but because of the way he treats us and the way, he thinks we work. We have so much to worry about and now he isn't even announcing the test dates anymore. Every single test should have been over 4 pages!!! I said, that it took me 10 hours to learn those 7 pages over the course of last week and that four pages are too much. He made it seem like I am stupid once again. He said, then there must be something wrong. Fact is, that I know that must students took exactly the same amount of time and this is what i answered. So he cut it down to three, which is still enough. Every single day is a possible test day. Now I am definitely back into stress of school. Oh well, I didn't think it would turn out much differently, I just thought that I would be stronger.
Because of all the studying I did, I didn'T do any homework. Luckily I had finished math on Thursday, so that was all right.
I will continue later, I have to go eat and then I have another four hours of school. Geography and Music...
Now it is 10pm and I just finished practicing piano and violin which I did for the past 2 and a half hours!! Before that I started my homework, because there was so much. As I already told you, my French test didn't go as well as I hoped it would, but I can't change it, so I have to accept whatever grade I will get. The next page of vocabulary and a lot of other stuff was part of my assignment today. I also have to make my assignments up for yesterday, since I didn't do anything. So I will still be busy for another hour at least. I think I will stop then, because I also have to sleep and I will have one free hour tomorrow during which I can do some homework as well.


  • At 19/9/05 18:24, Anonymous Anonym said…

    That's cool... about your whole new crush. We'll what happens. Keep me posted

    Good luck on the rest of your day.

  • At 19/9/05 18:25, Anonymous Anonym said…

    ** we'll see


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