

short and lazy day

Today is my first lazy day in the new school year. I came home from school with tons of homework awaiting me. Since I would have two free hours tomorrow morning I decided to procrastinate it till tomorrow. Therefore when I came home I went to sleep after eating lunch. I slept about a half hour, and I was in bed for two hours or more. I couldn't fall asleep because I continuously thought about waking up in time for my recorder lesson I had to give just before leaving for my piano lesson. As I already told you, I did really bad at it. I got so disappointed that, if I would have talked about it, I would have started crying!! Can you believe that. I practiced so much, I put so much effort in it and the result was close to zero.
When I came home I got online and I talked to you for the rest of my evening. Before going to sleep I will reread chapter 1 of Romans, since I took so long to understand the first paragraph that I couldn't finish it.
So my day was pretty boring today :)


  • At 23/9/05 01:24, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I'm sorry your lesson didn't go the way you had hoped. I'm sure you made personal progress even though it might have been hard for your teacher to tell.
    I'm glad you had a lazy day. It is good to have one of those every now and then :)
    Thanks for talking with me.


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