

Busy Day

Today was a day that was supposed to be busy with math. But I didn't do a single page today. In fact, I didn'T even try to get to it. When I woke up this morning I saw that I skipped one of your blogs acidentally. Commenting on that took me quite a while.
I think it took me close to two hours :) Reading and proving, understanding and writing down,... I enjoyed it a lot though. After I finished, I turned off my computer, since I had to bring my brother to the train station. He got his ticket, but he didn't get the last station of his journey but the second to the last, therefore he lost 2 € :( I never saw that he cared losing money as much as in this moment. I felt so sorry for him. I got to drive my dads car to the train station so that we can save some gasoline and therefore money. New Orleans and the other flooded areas affected our gas prices as well...
After that my sister Tabea, my mom and I left to go shopping in Trossingen, because I needed some more music for my little piano kids and new shoes for church. Oh yeah, so first we went to Oberndorf (do you remember that Real we went to, it was in Oberndorf) and since all the shops were closed for lunch we continued to Trossingen. They still had lunch when we arrived so we ate some Kebap. It was really yummy and not too expensive at all. We bought three regular size Kebaps for 6,80€ That is really good. If you go to a Restaurant you pay that for just one pizza. After we finished eating we finally got to go to the music store. They had so many piano schools that it was really hard for me to decide which one I should take. I got myself two. One that has a little theory in it and one with big notes so that my kids don't have any troubles reading the music. The theory one is for me for additional teaching :)
Then we went to the shoe shop that we saw on our way there. All the shoes were so expensive that we left pretty soon. My sister didn't want to leave because she liked the shoes but then in the car my mom explained her, why we had to leave.
We went to Bergfelden, the town next to Holzhausen at the roundabout, if you remember. There is a pretty good shoe store. They actually had a few shoes in the manner I was looking for. So I decided on a pair on sale :) Even though they were on sale they were still expensive, but I also realized that I wouldn't find anything cheaper with my list of requests...
Now we are finally home and I am writing this blog. When I am done with this I will prepare myself for tomorrow.
Something really important: I won't be home tomorrow afternoon. My sister Marion has her presentation of the Musical she practiced for at the KiSiWo (Kinder Sing Woche). I think I will be home around 7pm, so 1pm your time, then I will turn my computer on and IM you. If you are available you can call then and we can talk for a little bit. I hope you read this blog before you start your Sabbath tonight :)
I reorganized our reltalks website. Sorry if you didn't finish reading my last blog. But I think this way, we can even go back to it later. I did it in a chronological way. Tell me if you like it or not. I am eager to hear your opinion.


  • At 9/9/05 19:20, Anonymous Anonym said…

    The organization of reltalks looks great. How exactly do you want it ordered in the future? Main topics by Chapter... and then bolding whatever... let me know so that I don't make any mistakes and give you more work.

  • At 9/9/05 19:21, Anonymous Anonym said…

    it seems like your busy day was a huge success... especially cause you got so much done. I will try to do my best for tomorrow. I am pretty sure that it will work out. :)

    Have tomorrow during all you activities :)

  • At 9/9/05 19:21, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Have... FUN!!! :)During all your activities tomorrow...

    please excuse my retarded typing all the time.


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