I started ironing the rest of clothes that were left from last night. While I was doing that, I watched a movie. After a while I felt like going outside, especially since I didn't do that for a real long time. I took my camera with me to take some pictures of scenery and the flowers in autumn. They are really pretty, in my opinon. I used my moms sunhat, because I thought it looks neat. I felt like a coolie head. The problem was that there was a lot of wind outside therefore my cool hat flew away a lot of times and I had to bend down to pick it up. I will insert some of

them. I didn't walk for that long, but I stopped several times to take pictures and I had to build myself something that I can put my camera on to take self pictures as well. When I was at the field and tried to take pictures without that much grass in it, I built myself something like an altar with dry soil. It looked really funny. I wish I would have had another camera with me, just to take a picture of the places with the camera. For the pictures at the old tree I used the little branches and bent them in a way that it could hold me camera. It was a lot of fun. I think I was outside for more than 40 minutes. I walked up until the big tree. Do you remember it? Well, I know it isn't that much, but I also saw something like a hay horse that makes noise. I don't know what the English word for it is. I think I spent about 10 minutes or more watching this little animal.
The reason why I took my camera with me, is to show you how Germany looks like now. And of course to have pictures of myself as well. I want to document as much of my life as possible.
Afterwards I painted my balcony. Not all the parts of it, but the bad parts that needed it. Before I could put the paint on I had to use sandpaper to make it a little rougher. When I finally started painting, I behaved like a dumby. I painted the top first which made it harder for me to go to the bottom. And then at one point, I wanted to get new paint on my brush and I turned toward the paint when I saw this really big spider. I was a little shocked. But it crawled back under my door and I didn't see it another time. All of the balcony painting took me about two hours. So that means I have been outside for a decent time. It was a real good feeling to be outside for that long. Afterwards I unloaded the pictures from my memory card and uploaded them on photobucket. Oh, and I finally got myself a little educated over Jeanne d'Arc. I don't know what to think about this movie though. It seems so contradictory. I hope that one day, I will find out what really happened according to history sources.
Now I am writing you this blog...
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