

Weird Dreams

Yesterday I was just a little sad and at night I had a very hard time falling asleep. This is probably because I took a little nap during the day. I won’t allow myself to nap today! A few dreams I remember and they were extremely strange. We were at the Grand Canyon (Priscy, Mari and I) and mounted a difficult mountain. And when we were all the way up, I wanted to warn Mari to be careful but it was already too late. She slipped and all I could do, was stand there in horror and watching her fall. Fortunately she could hold on something, I believe it was a grass cluster (this is a word from Lexirom, I have no idea if this is correct J ) I shouted, she should be very careful and slow in her movements but she panicked and literally ran up the mountain and – of course – slipped again when she had almost reached the top. This time she fell even further down. Somehow she managed to come back up and then her face appeared just above the edge of the top. A scared look on her face and she fell again this time it was a free fall for at least 20 meters. When she “landed” she landed on her back and rolled over her neck and I thought she was dead. I remember myself screaming “nooooooooo” and I could feel my adrenalin making me really hot in my bed. After that I couldn’t fall back asleep. So I went downstairs to go to the bathroom and when I went back up to my bed I continued imagining falling of mountains in the Grand Canyon.
When I was in Freiburg yesterday I got several things done: I went to the Bürgerhaus to make sure I don’t have to register myself in Breisach since I will be living there for quite some time. But they reassured me that up to three months my stay counts as a visit. So all I have to do now is finding a room within this period of time. Before I did that I went to the office of the Studentenwerk to see if I have a slight chance on BAföG but there is none L The advisor told me that there are two books containing scholarships in the library and I will go through them – maybe there are some that I qualify for.
The last thing I did was the tour through the library to get acquainted with the way it works. I borrowed a book on the brain. It is interesting so far and I can once again see how people have a totally different view over religion but yet see the perfection with which everything is created (in their eyes I should better say came to existence ;) ). I feel pretty comfortable around the buildings I have been this week. What I will do today is hopefully find all the rooms for my classes next week, but today is a rainy day…
SOME NEW PICS ARE ON.... (very few though ;) )


  • At 19/10/06 14:50, Anonymous Anonym said…

    That dream sounds really horrible! I wonder what thoughts or feelings triggered them... Hopefully you won't dream of this horrible scene at the Grand Canyon again. Instead I hope you dream of the beautiful landscapes, colors and shapes we experienced. Think of how awesome it felt to overcome such a great physical task. My hope is that this experience will one day help you in the future... and if it doesn't help or inspire you in any way, at least it is a pleasant and fun thing you experienced.

    By the way... what is this random "J" you are sticking in your writing in the middle of sentences? My guess is that it is either directed to Jan or Jatavan... right?

  • At 19/10/06 17:07, Blogger Kerstin said…

    oh boy, now I know why this happens. I was wondering the other day myself, but I thought it was a spelling mistake but now I know it is not. It is the smiley in Word which automatically transforms to this face and blog obviously doesn't display this. Ok in the future I will use other smileys instead. I don't feel like changing everything so far. Interesting assumption though :)

  • At 20/10/06 15:01, Anonymous Anonym said…

    :) lol


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