Back to busy school life
Today was extremely stressful. I didn't want to get up in the morning, my body was shaking because of lack of sleep, I don't remember that every happening to me, this also happened to me yesterday. I felt really uncomfortable. But it went away after a while. I got up and got dressed. Then I read the Bible and did my lesson study as well. It is really cool to wake up in the mornings, even though I am so tired all the times. I already started procrastinating things :( This is horrible, but I couldn't help it. This is because I really did set my priorities differently, which should make me happy, I guess.
Oh yeah, back to me getting ready for school. We left the house at a decent time, I think it was 7:07. I got to drive slowly, therefore I could save some gas. That is really great, since the gas prices are so high right now...
The first hour I had today was French. I only had half of my vocabs learned. They were so tough for me. Everybody seemed to not have had a problem with them, but I was really slow in studying them. I think something in my brain is changing. I am much slower in most things, except for math. I kept up with math today, I was really surprised. Anyway, the reason why I say that, is because our teacher checked on us today, just orally. Luckily I remembered the word he gave me, but it took me quite a while. Who cares. It seems like my teacher thinks that I am stupid, or something like that. He treats me in a very weird way. It is possible that it is just me, but I just have a feeling. We will see.
During my hour off, I finished my math homework and studied some more French vocabs. It took so long that I hardly learned anything during those 45 minutes. During biology I started writing the blog for last night. My teacher didn't catch me, I also found a great site of what we were supposed to find. Oh, one funny thing happened during biology. We were in the media room and Mr. Fendrich said, that we can only print 2 or 3 pages, if they are good, and then 5 minutes after we started looking around in the internet someone sent of 34 pages to be printed out... The teacher got really upset and when he asked who it was, no one raised his hands. I still don't know who it was. I just think it was funny, because no one felt enough courage to say it was him or her.
When I got home, my mom told me that my violin teacher has called to organize my sister's and my violin lesson. The best thing for right now, was right before I have my piano kids coming over. So Tuesday will be very stressful for me. I was so glad that I practiced yesterday. It would have been horrible if I wouldn't have done that! So my lesson went ok. It didn't sound as good as yesterday, but that is normal.
After finishing teaching my students, I started working on my schedule for every weeks use. I don't know if I will do the homework exactly at that time, of if I will practice at the assigned time, but this is just a guideline for me to know what to do and especially when to go to sleep. Now I am writing this blog not having done ANY homework for today. I am pretty bad with my homework already. It is not that I have none, it is just that I don't feel like doing it. It is so much, even though it is the second day of the school year. I have Chemistry, English, Math, French!!!, History, that is about it. So I will see to getting to it soon.
Oh yeah, back to me getting ready for school. We left the house at a decent time, I think it was 7:07. I got to drive slowly, therefore I could save some gas. That is really great, since the gas prices are so high right now...
The first hour I had today was French. I only had half of my vocabs learned. They were so tough for me. Everybody seemed to not have had a problem with them, but I was really slow in studying them. I think something in my brain is changing. I am much slower in most things, except for math. I kept up with math today, I was really surprised. Anyway, the reason why I say that, is because our teacher checked on us today, just orally. Luckily I remembered the word he gave me, but it took me quite a while. Who cares. It seems like my teacher thinks that I am stupid, or something like that. He treats me in a very weird way. It is possible that it is just me, but I just have a feeling. We will see.
During my hour off, I finished my math homework and studied some more French vocabs. It took so long that I hardly learned anything during those 45 minutes. During biology I started writing the blog for last night. My teacher didn't catch me, I also found a great site of what we were supposed to find. Oh, one funny thing happened during biology. We were in the media room and Mr. Fendrich said, that we can only print 2 or 3 pages, if they are good, and then 5 minutes after we started looking around in the internet someone sent of 34 pages to be printed out... The teacher got really upset and when he asked who it was, no one raised his hands. I still don't know who it was. I just think it was funny, because no one felt enough courage to say it was him or her.
When I got home, my mom told me that my violin teacher has called to organize my sister's and my violin lesson. The best thing for right now, was right before I have my piano kids coming over. So Tuesday will be very stressful for me. I was so glad that I practiced yesterday. It would have been horrible if I wouldn't have done that! So my lesson went ok. It didn't sound as good as yesterday, but that is normal.
After finishing teaching my students, I started working on my schedule for every weeks use. I don't know if I will do the homework exactly at that time, of if I will practice at the assigned time, but this is just a guideline for me to know what to do and especially when to go to sleep. Now I am writing this blog not having done ANY homework for today. I am pretty bad with my homework already. It is not that I have none, it is just that I don't feel like doing it. It is so much, even though it is the second day of the school year. I have Chemistry, English, Math, French!!!, History, that is about it. So I will see to getting to it soon.
At 13/9/05 22:51, Anonym said…
It sounds like you will be so busy. I hope that you don't get too stressed out. Please get enough sleep and eat enough as well. I don't want you to get weak or anything like that. You know that one learns much better when one has had enough to sleep etc. Try to be as healthy as you can. Please let me know if I can ever help you with anything. I would gladly assist you where I am able. :) Good luck getting everything done for the next couple of days!
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