


I feel like I need to do something else besides studying for the Abitur the whole time, so I will rather tell you what was up during the last few days.
Especially today has been an interesting day so far. The phone call my little sister made woke me up at 9:30. This is actually a good time to wake up, but the only problem was that I went to sleep extremely late last night (I think it was 1:30) and therefore this means that I just had 8 hours of sleep. On top of that I am still sick and I can't get over my sickness. This cough is killing me mostly then, when I want to fall asleep. Or maybe I just don't realize it during the day, who knows. Anyway, so I was awake by then and supposed to pick her up from school. The trouble was that I didn't have a car, since my dad is away since Tuesday and my mom went shopping. The only possibility for me to keep my promise to my sister was to go and ask some neighbors to pick her up. I actually found someone too and just because she was on vacation today :) So when I was back home, I decided to go to school again, because I wanted to find out what kind of average I can count on in the Abitur if all goes well. And guess what.... I think I can manage a 1,2 average. This is incredible. I even have the opportunity to get a 1,1 if I work to the full of my capacity. Now this all should be enough motivation for me to study, but I just don't feel like it. I also spoke to a lot of teachers today, and they all said they weren't doing a thing for their Abitur and they are intellectuals, so I think it is not too bad if I don't do as much as I had wanted to. Hoepfully I am making the right decision. It is not that I won't do anything at all, it is just that I won't do as much. Some more historical background on the US and GB, maybe reading through Moon Palace one more time, and of course reviewing history. With the rest of my time, I think I will study for math, because this is probably the subject where time is most efficiently used, because the outcome will be the better the more time I put into it. I really feel like I could make it up to 13 points in the Abitur.
Since yesterday, I know that I want to be a physician. I feel much more comfortable with this decision and I am now way more relaxed about my life and see everything in a very positive ligth. I know it will be an extremely hard education including physics, chemistry and math, but so what. The thing most important is that I know that I am capable of doing all of that. And people around me said that I would be a good physician. This is also why I walked all the way from home to school in order to find out if I can meet the Numerus Clausus. Everything seems to point to me being a physician, because yesterday when I did some research I found a cool site of the Uni in Freiburg and the secretary's name was Corinna Kersten. Imagine that. This is almost my name. Now I am not saying all of this HAS to be a hint, but it really feels like it. Because yesterday was the day where I wanted to finish my application for the auditions in summer.

Now I am even thinking of taking off one year after school, allowing myself to rest a little, work and travel to some parts in the world. We will see what the future holds. But it definitely is nicer than before :) All of this music stress is gone now. Let me know what you think though, because I am really eager to get as many opinions as possible. Do you think, I will be able to do it all, phsyically, mentally etc.???



Man, I am so tired, I don't even know where to start with all the preparations for the abitur. It is probably very correct to say that I am overwhelmed!!
Today we made a plan during our free hour, since Lena still needs some further preparation in math and Jan wanted to join us, we said we were not going to school Monday till Wednesday in order to prepare for the Abitur of math. I suppose it is a great idea, even though I would have liked to spend my week off on something where I would be able to take off, but I guess this is a great idea, because now is the time it is needed. This means I will be able to sleep in those days, I will be able to only concentrate on what is important and not attending stupid classes, which I won't name here, but basically they are all 2-hour classes which are completely unimportant for my Abitur. My excuse will say that I have senioritis. I truly wanted to hand in one excuse like that.
I need to practice violin and piano more often... i haven't had much time lately :)


Being On Vacation

I am on vacation... finally. I know I didn't blog in a long time again. Therefore I want to update as much as possible now.
Something that is probably interesting is the youth meeting this past Sabbath... I went to church as usual and we were discussing Christian lifestyle. It was a very interesting discussion. After church we had our youth meeting, the only dumb thing was that there were only two people left, namely the leader and I. I had brought my laptop in order to take down notes on important ideas that we might have. My sister and one of her school mates went to Heilbronn to go see their boyfriends :) so she wasn't there either. Anyway, David and I decided to still do it, especially since another girl was going to join us lateron. Her sister went along with her so we were a total of 5 people since Aoui (I don't know how to spell his name *g*) joined us also. Since he speaks very little English it was probably not very efficient for him to join, but oh well. We had to get our stuff done. Food was all right. We made several potato dishes in the oven and ate it with garlic mayonnaise. I thought it was going to taste gross, but it actually tasted ok. We also had salad, which was great in my opinion.
I offered myself to paint the heads of a Native American, an Indian, a Japanese and an African person. So this is what I still got to do.
On my way back I went over my notes in the train using my batterie. It is so great to have a laptop and therefore being able to work anywhere. Since my train ride was almost an hour long, i was done by the time I got home :)
Other than that I am studying a lot of math and I started a puzzle which I haven't done in like four years or so. It is awesome to finally have time for things I haven't done in such a long time. I thought I was bored by it for some reason, but I really like it and it is good practice for concentration and also for being able to complete pictures in your head, because you have to guess what the next piece probably looks like :)
My mom was renovating the Speisekammer, because it had wallpaper which was extremely dirty. She took it all of by hand, which was truly a pain in the butt and then she painted the walls white. It looks really nice and clean now... I hope that those stupid animals who were living behind the wall paper will never return again!
Some thing I still have to accomplish during these vacations are writing my application for the music conservatory and for the job I want to get during Easter time and then preparing myself for my math test on monday.