new laptop

Today was my big day!!! I got my new laptop. Man, I like it a lot. But let me tell you one thing after the other and not mess the chronological order up!
I woke up this morning and I prayed. Afterwards I decided to go to sleep once again, since I was still so tired. I think I slept until 9 am. That would mean I slept just about 8 hours which is enough. I continued my day with getting dressed and starting my "beloved" math. I think that I will finish my math in time, because it is only 70 pages total. I thought it was much more so I am glad to be able to tell you the good news. Today it was about 4 hours of math on and off. Around 11 am the doorbell rang and I knoew no-one was around therefore I ran downstairs to open the door. It was my new laptop. The next thing I did was bringing it to my dad. He needed to secure some of the initial settings, so it took him quite a while. This is why I said I did math on and off. I went downstairs several times to check if my laptop was ready yet for me to use it.
Just before noon my sister asked me if I could bring her to Sulz because she needs to create a bank account. She will take on a job which consists of going for a walk with a dog every single day. She doesn't even know how much she will get for it, but she doesn't care since it counts towards her half year of caring for a pet so that she can get her own pet. Funny right? So we went to the bank but since she is still minor we needed the signature of both of our parents. Therefore it didn't work out today. Since we were already in Sulz she also returned some books and, of course, got new ones. Therefore our little trip was at least worth it.
Around 5 pm I made dinner for my family since my mom went to look at different cupboards for our living room and my sister Tabea went along to look at some beds. I haven't heard if she found one or not. My mom took pictures of all the interesting and nice furniture she saw, but apparently (is that how you spell it?) the pictures didn't come out too great.
Now I am finally done with changing my room so that my laptop fits and I will take some pictures soon once my room is a little cleaner.
I really like having two screens. I think my dad is also envying me a tiny bit, not really, but a little bit, because he has never owned a laptop himself.
I did a lot of math today. :( it was not hard but it took long. I am glad that it is going though.
I guess that is all for today. :)
Till later...
At 30/8/05 02:27,
Anonym said…
Your new laptop looks really cool!! I know for sure that you will really enjoy it. Oh Kerstin, you are growing up so fast... you have a laptop and everything. It seems like just yesterday you were a little girl... lol. I'm proud of you!
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